However you found your way here, I’m so grateful you did.

I didn’t start out being a wanderer, meandering my way through life, but life has a way of landing us on detours we never envision beforehand. Sometimes these side trips are brief and sometimes they become an entirely new way of living, a totally different direction than we ever started out on, which is my story. Whatever is your own story, I hope you’ll glean a few bits of wisdom, surprise yourself with a few chuckles, and maybe even shed a tear or two while joining me here as I share discoveries made along the way of my unanticipated journey.

Before my life took this hairpin turn in the road, I’d been following along the ‘normal’ road we’re often led to expect, following a roadmap of things we’re supposed to do to reach the life we’re supposed to want. I finished college; landed a cubicle job as an editor/analyst/marketing director; met, married and moved (to NYC!) with my sweetheart. We soon bought a house, got an SUV, adopted a dog, had babies, and moved again, and again, and again. Life had been pretty spectacular, actually, especially compared to the dysfunctional home I’d known throughout childhood. But we, my sweetheart and me, stopped seeing the sparkle in our spectacular life together. We adored our children, but we stopped adoring each other. With each move we expected more, from our homes and from each other. Instead of seeing what was right there beside us we compared our ‘us’ to everything around us, and as Teddy Roosevelt famously stated, “comparison is the thief of joy”.

That beautiful road I was on that felt it would last my lifetime abruptly ended in a screeching halt and nearly ten years of emotional whiplash. Now, here I am with you (thank you again), where I decided to curate a little place to hold mementoes from my continuing journey, the fragments that when placed all together form a whole.

I’d love for you to continue on this path of curiosity with me.

Please leave your email if you’d like a monthly reminder of what new tokens of interest have been added to my collection gathered in this little corner of the world we share.